Advanced Threat Protection
Advanced threat protection (ATP) merges static detection and behavioural analysis to identify malicious samples and potential attacks from hackers.
Leading detection
Intelligent detection of files and reverse analysis of packed files help identify the attack behaviours of samples that exploit both known and unknown vulnerabilities.
Trace to the source
Leverage known sample characteristics and behavioural attributes to detect and match samples, automatically analyse similarities between samples, and quickly identify associations with hacker groups.
Aggregated analysis
Employ a smart assessment of sample intent using a behaviour monitoring engine and present aggregated execution timelines.
Trace malicious agents to their source
Multi-dimensional detection engines work collaboratively to respond to comprehensive threats and malicious attacks.
Multi-layered threats need multi-layered detection.
Address highly stealthy and rapidly evolving malicious sample attacks with the combined power of threat intelligence, composite anti-virus, ransom virus, intelligent reverse, YARA, dynamic behaviour, and memory attack detection engines.
Multi-layer inspection
Thorough detection across kernel, memory, and driver layers, eliminates detection blind spots and unveils advanced attacks.
Intelligent analysis
Consolidates attack behaviours at the execution level, embedding numerous dynamic behaviour monitoring points to substantially boost detection capabilities.
Collaborative response
Establish an advanced threat protection system based on various security dimensions.
Tailored to your industry and enterprise security needs.
Our cybersecurity experts will help you design and deliver your roadmap to success. Learn more about our cybersecurity services below.
Incident Response (IR)
Rapidly respond to cybersecurity incidents and restore normal business operations swiftly.
Vulnerability & Penetration Testing
Thoroughly penetration test your systems and identify vulnerabilities before malicious attacks.
Training & Awareness
World-class cybersecurity awareness training, and simulated phishing attack exercises.